Sunday, October 30, 2011

JFK Assassination: J.B. Purdue Confesses to Being One of the Shooters in Dallas

Federal Agent Jonathon Stone, working on an entirely different assignment, uncovers the assassin, Jean Purdue, living his final days in Lee Parish Nursing Home just outside of New Orleans.

Purdue admitted he was part of a team of snipers running a mission in Dealey Plaza in 1963. He claims he was located on the Dal-Tex Building roof and was the one responsible for the neck wound of President Kennedy. His confession lays out the plot, the other shooters involved and their location, as well as, the group behind the conspiracy.

For More Information:

Call Off The Dogs [Kindle Edition] by James Moushon

Another shooter in the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy is uncovered by Jonathon Stone

CIA Agent Jonathon Stone’s purchase of an old rifle from a gun dealer leads him on a search for the owner of the gun. When he finds the owner, a Cajun gun for hire, he discovers that he was one of the shooters in Dealey Plaza in Dallas the day President Kennedy was assassinated.

The rifle purchase leads to a chain of events that threaten Stone’s cover, his life and puts the CIA Long Beach undercover operation in jeopardy.

As the search accelerates, fellow agent Carol Haney joins Stone on a journey that goes from California to the French quarter in New Orleans to Dealey Plaza in Dallas to the plains of East Texas in an effort to Call off the Dogs.

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Recent Related JFK Assassination Books

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And he introduces readers to a character who has the power to change the course of history.

The JFK Assassination: A Researcher's Guide by Don Becker (Author)

If you are interested in the JFK assassination, just starting to research the JFK assassination, or you have been studying the subject for a while you really need to have this book in your JFK library. The JFK Assassination: A Researcher's Guide is a compilation of almost 47 years of research, by some of the most noted author's in the JFK assassination community. It is like a depository for some of the most important issues of the assassination and more, all in one volume. The material is in an easy to read format with references so the reader can study an issue further if they wish.

Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK [Hardcover]
by Mark Lane (Author)

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Now, New York Times best-selling author Mark Lane tells all in this explosive new book—with exclusive new interviews, sworn testimony, and meticulous new research (including interviews with Oliver Stone, Dallas Police deputy sheriffs, Robert K. Tanenbaum, and Abraham Bolden) Lane finds out first hand exactly what went on the day JFK was assassinated.

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JFK Assassination Logic shows how to approach such conspiracy claims. Studying Lee Harvey Oswald’s character and personality, for example, doesn’t help determine whether he alone shot the president, and our opinion of bureaucrats can often cloud our judgments. How people view the JFK assassination can be a model for how to (or perhaps how not to) evaluate other conspiracy theories, including those generally considered dubious—such as President Roosevelt’s foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor, desert staging of the 1969 moon landing, and U.S. government involvement in 9/11—as well as those based on fact, such as Watergate.

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In this provocative, rigorously researched book, Chambers presents evidence and compelling arguments that will make you rethink the entire sequence of terrible events on that traumatic day in Dallas.